Easy Gardening…Peppers

Sam Cotner and Jerry Parsons, Extension Horticulturists
Texas Agricultural Extension Service

Peppers are a warm season crop that will grow in most Texas areas. They grow in all types of soils but do best in heavier, well drained soils. Peppers should be planted in areas with at least 6 hours of sunlight each day.


Sweet Peppers Hot Peppers
Bell Tower


California Wonder

Keystone Resistant Giant

Yolo Wonder

Hungarian Wax

Long Red Cayenne


TAM Mild Jalapeno

Hidalgo Serrano

Try to transplant peppers in the evening or on a cloudy day. This will keep the plants from wilting and getting too dry.


Water the plants enough to keep them from wilting. Slow, deep watering helps grow a strong root system. Do not let pepper plants wilt as this well reduce yield and quality of the fruit.

Care During the Season

Hoe or till the soil lightly. Deep tilling cuts the pepper roots and causes slow growth. Hand pull weeds which are close to the plants.

After the first fruit begins to enlarge, place about 2 tablespoons of fertilizer around each plant about 6 inches from the stem. Water after adding the fertilizer. This well increase yield and quality of the peppers.


Name Description Control
1/8 inch long; green, pink or brown; feeds on underside of leaves; sucks plant juices Diazinon
small, yellowish larva inside leaves; causes “tunnels or trails” on leaves Diazinon
1/16 inch long; metallic bronze, black bronze, black, blue or green; fast jumping; eats holes in leaves Sevin



Diseases can be a problem on peppers so watch the plants closely.

In mild weather, diseases start easily. leaf spots are caused by fungus and bacteria.

If diseases become a problem, you may have to spray the plants. Ask your county Extension agent or gardening assistant what to use to control diseases.


If peppers are picked as they mature, yields will be greater. The first peppers should be ready 8-10 weeks after transplanting. Pick bell peppers when they get shiny, dark green and firm. When left on the plant, most peppers will turn red and are still good to eat.

Harvest most hot peppers when they turn red or yellow, depending on the variety. Jalapenos are mature when the reach good size and become a deep, dark green.


Red and green peppers are good sources of Vitamin C, some Vitamin A and small amounts of several minerals. Red peppers have more Vitamin A than green peppers.

Peppers are good raw or cooked. Eat them as a snack, to decorate food, or add them to salads and casseroles. Stuff peppers with seasoned bread crumbs or meat, and bake them.


Store peppers in the vegetable crisper to the refrigerator or other covered containers. Use them within 3-5 days after harvesting.

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