4-H Award Forms

All Hood County 4-Hers are encouraged to apply for an award that best fits their age and achievements they’ve made in Hood County 4-H. Award applications are due to the county extension office, in person or via email on June 17th, 2024 at NOON.

Award Interviews will be held June 21st.


Gold Star Award Application 2024 – Age 15-18

Requirements for the Texas 4-H Gold Star
As the highest award given by the Texas 4-H Youth Development Program, County Offices and Agents are asked to maintain a high level of integrity and honor through their selection process of county Gold Star recipients. The following guidelines are required in order to be an applicant for the 4-H Gold Star Award.

  • The member must have at least completed, or be completing their 9th grade school year at the time of application, and must have completed at least 3 years in 4-H, including the current year.
  • The Texas 4-H Gold Star Award can only be awarded once in a member’s 4-H career.
  • The 4-H member must have completed projects in at least three different project areas, submitted appropriate record forms, and have participated in one or more activities in at least three of the following areas:
    • Projects and/or Project Exhibits
    • Participation in Leadership Experiences such as Leadership Labs, Texas 4-H Congress, or National Leadership Events such as National 4-H Congress/Conference, and any county, district, or state leadership group.
    • Competitive Events (judging, educational presentation, public speaking, food show, quiz bowls, etc ).
    • Citizenship activities
    • Camps at the county, district, or state level.
    • 4-H Promotion (speeches, poster displays, radio, TV, newspapers)
    • Other (includes exchange programs, fund raising)
      Note: The requirements for projects and activities do not all have to be completed in the current year. They may have been accomplished over the entire period of time the person has been in the program.
  • The member must have exhibited leadership skills by serving as a 4-H officer or committee chair (club, county, district or state), and/or as a junior or teen leader in an activity or project with or under the supervision of an adult volunteer leader.
  • The 4-H member must have participated in one or more community service activities. Examples include providing leadership to a One Day 4-H project, working with or counseling junior 4-H members; participating in community service projects (individual, group or club); and motivating other 4-H members through participation in demonstrations, projects and/or exhibits.
  • The 4-H member MUST SUBMIT A TEXAS 4-H RECORDBOOK in the year they are to be considered for the award.

4-H Awards Application 2024 – Can be completed by a 4-H member or a volunteer leader in nomination of a 4-H member. The “4-H Awards Application” will require 4-Hers to go through an interview process. I Dare You Age 14-18, Gold Spur Age 12-13, Silver Spur Age 9-11

4-H Letterman Award 2024 – Complete the listed activities in 3 years. Must be 14 years or older to apply.

4-H Honor Roll Award App 2024 – Complete the listed activities in 3 years. Must be 3rd grade through 11 years old to apply.

4-H Rookie Award App 2024 – Complete the listed activities in 1 year. Must be a first year 4-Her (any age).

4-H All-Star Award 2024 – Complete the listed activities in 3 years. Must be 12-13 years old to apply.


Call the office or email Hannah if you have any questions. 817.579.3280 or hannah.hoffman@ag.tamu.edu


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